How To Send Photos

HOW TO SEND PHOTOS (The good the bad and the ugly)

When taking a photo for us to identify your toilet there are good images, bad images and ugly images, Hopefully we can get you sending good images. 

If you take 4 images like we have shown below hopefully we can identify your toilet for you. 

Top view of a toilet Top view (This helps us see which shape your toilet seat is)
Side view of a toilet Side view ( Showing the side of the toilet helps us identify the toilet seeing all the shapes
Complete view of a toilet Complete view (This image here is the best angle)
A logo imprinted on a toilet If there is a logo or marking on the toilet please email us this it helps a lot

Please take images as show above, also give us as much information as possible. Most of the branded toilet we recognise so just the images should be enough. If you from the trade and this is not your toilet please also take dimensions of the toilet.

We requre 3 dimensions and these should be taken from the toilet pan. 

X = Width of the toilet at the widest point where the seat sits
Y = Length of the toilet from centre of the hinge holes to the front of the toilet
Z = Distance centre to centre of the 2 hinge holes in the toilet pan

Toilet dimensions

We dont need to see your whole bathroom we are only interested in the toilet or toilet part.
When sending images of the toilet please make sure the lid and seat are down.

Please email all the images to

We like to pride ourselves in being the toilet seat and toilet experts and have alot of expericance here. if you think we have made an error question us and we can double check it for you. 
